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Cypress Swamp
Mile Post 122.0

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Cypress Swamp
Alligators have been seen from the foot bridge.

Located At This Stop
Self Guided Trail

Distance to Nearest Parkway Restroom
0.6 Miles North to River Bend
19.6 Miles South to Parkway Information Cabin

Distance to Nearest Gas Stations
1.7 Miles North to Ratliff Ferry Rd Then 0.5 Miles South
8.0 Miles South to MS Hwy 43 Then 0.9 Miles North

Cypress Swamp
Many years ago, the Pearl River flowed here. The river changed course. A shallow
area was created by the deposition of sediments as the river retreated. During
periodic low water, seedlings of water-tolerant cypress and tupelo trees gained
a foothold. The trees you see today are a result.
(National Park Service)

Water tupelo and bald cypress trees can live in deep water for long periods. After
taking root in the summer when the swamp is nearly dry, the seedlings can stay
alive in water deep enough to kill other plants. Also if you look closely you may see
juvenile alligators sunning themselves on floating logs and other vegetation.
(National Park Service)

NPS Photo
The trail at this location leads through an abandoned river channel. As the channel fills
with silt and vegetation, black willow, sycamore, red maple, and other trees will
gradually replace the bald cypress and water tupelo.
(National Park Service)

This location is also a trailhead for the Yockanookany Section of the Natchez Trace
National Scenic Trail. This trailhead is located directly across the paved Parkway
from the Cypress Swamp site. Hikers may hike south 14.1 miles to the West Florida
Boundary, north 8.9 miles to the Yockanookany Trailhead, or any distance they
chose on this out and back trail.
(National Park Service)

NPS Photo
Juvenile Alligators

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Cypress Swamp
Mile Post 122.0

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2024-11-28T 12:30:20-05:00