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Rocky Springs
Mile Post
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Rocky Springs
A town of 2616 people in 1860, but today, a ghost town. Only one building still exists.
Located At This Stop
Picnic Area Self Guided Trail Hiking Trail Campground
Handicap Restroom at this Location
Distance to Nearest Gas Stations
24.1 Miles North to MS Hwy 467 Then 4.4 Miles South
16.9 Miles South to US 61 Then 0.5 Miles North
Rocky Springs
Called "the Rocky Spring" by early travelers, the town later became Rocky Springs, a rural community covering about 25 square miles. Settlement of the area began in the late 1790's and continued until about 1860, reaching a peak of approximately 2600 people. Several businesses were established at different times, among them carpenters, wheelwrights, a well digger, cabinet makers, a cotton gin maker and blacksmiths. By the mid-1800's there was also a church, post office, a Masonic Lodge, and possibly a school.
During the four years that the Civil War raged, many areas in both the North and the South would experience its devastation. A letter written in 1863 stated, "My slaves, horses, and mules are carried off, my fences torn dowand my crops destroyed..."
In the summer fall of 1878, yellow fever struck the area. Pastor J.W. Sandwell on November 18, 1873, wrote that there were 180 yellow fever cases and 43 deaths . Although Rocky Springs tried to recover after the yellow fever epidemic, in the early 1900's boll weevil struck, a beetle that feeds on cotton buds and flowers, devastating the cotton crop. After this final disaster, the population declined rapidly and the last store in the area closed its doors during the 1930's.
Unfortunately, the nearby spring no longer flows and today only the church and cemetery, two rustling safes and several abandoned cisterns remain of this once prosperous rural community.
(One of Safes and a Cistern shown above)
(National Park Service)
An old section of the Natchez Trace
The metal posts you can see on the left side of the trail give information thoughout the site.
A picture showing the trail through Rocky Springs, and showing the extreme erosion throughout the ghost town.
This church was built in 1837 by the Methodist congregation of Rocky Springs. Earlier the town had been a station for a circuit-riding preacher who stopped by only once or twice a month. The Church is preserved by the former congregation members who hold regular services here and gather here at an annul "homecoming" each spring.
A view on the inside of the 1837 Methodist Church.
The cemetery behind the old Methodist Church.
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Rocky Springs
Mile Post
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